Pocket HRMS for Manufacturing industry

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HRMS for Manufacturing industry
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Manufacturing Industry is one of the most widespread sector in the Indian economy. Manufacturing process refers to making something on large scale using raw materials, components, or parts which form the finished goods that are sold to the customers. Manufacturing Industry also employs a very large task force, contract or on payroll generating employment on a regular basis for the country. Due to this reason, the Government of India has set an ambitious target of increasing the contribution of manufacturing output to 25 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025, from 16 per cent currently.


In a manufacturing company, for product production, the organization requires a large number of the manpower to help in the production work as per the industrial requirement and expectation and help achieve the target of the organization. Since a manufacturing plant not only needs to focus, but also procurement, inventory management, supply, sales, marketing, etc, they hire a lot of people, the record of which will be very difficult to be maintained by the HR department if they do not have a proper HCM Software.


If the HR department maintains the crucial data of each and every resources like its personal information, designation, and their reporting manager, leave information, overtime details, Bonus details, increment details, etc., manually then it will be hectic task for the HR and there will be an unnecessary pressure on them to process payroll on time.


For this reason, we have Pocket HRMS for Manufacturing Industry which provide lots of useful feature which will help organizations to handle their resources involved in their organization in effective and accurate manner. Pocket HRMS is a complete Cloud based HR software for end to end HR process Management. Few of the most important feature of the Pocket HRMS which can help the manufacturing industry to track and maintain the resources are as below:

Pocket HRMS for Manufacturing industry

    • Pocket HRMS for Manufacturing Industry, allows the system user to define different pay scales for all the resources from management, machine operators to packers and shippers.


    • Pocket HRMS allows the user to maintain payroll of the resources on day to day basis rather than on month basis. For e.g. Some organizations want to run their payroll from date 21 to 20 rather than from 1st of every month. This can be easily achieved by the Pocket HRMS using the configuration setting.


    • Pocket HRMS provides you with an employee self-service portal which allows the user, the freedom to maintain and access their personal information details, Leave details, Payslip and Tax related information directly through web or using mobile app from anywhere, anytime and any device.


    • Pocket HRMS for Manufacturing Industry provides the management with a Job hour tracking functionality which will help manufacturing organizations to maintain the working hour details of each and every employee. Also, Pocket HRMS provides you with Automatic import of employee hours.


    • There may be multiple shifts that the company has, along with contract workers and full time workers. Pocket HRMS provides the functionality of Calculation of overtime pay, double-time pay, bonus pay etc. with a single click from the portal.


    • Pocket HRMS for Manufacturing Industry provides the management with various Union reporting and new resource hire reporting.


    • Pocket HRMS provides useful and configurable feature of ERP System Integration. Currently Pocket HRMS is integrated with Sage ERP system but it can be also be integrated with the some other third party software as per the organization requirement.


For more information on Pocket HRMS, You can write to the Pocket HRMS team at sales@pockethrms.com

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