Boomerang Employee

What is Boomerang Employee?


Boomerang employees are workers who leave organizations earlier but rejoin through recruitment, either for the same position or a better one. Their reasons for leaving can vary, from taking voluntary leave to experiencing a mass layoff to a sudden termination. Rehiring these employees can bring several benefits, such as their adaptability and flexibility in fitting back into the company culture, and reduced training time.


Even seasonal employees can be known as boomerang employees. These employees may return to their previous jobs, often taking a new or higher position, which demonstrates their growth potential within the company.


However, boomerang employees rehire rates can vary. Some companies have strict employment rules for rehiring, while others smoothly accept retiring boomerang employees.


Pros and Cons of the Boomerang Employees


Pros of Boomerang Employees

  • Organizations already have enough ideas about the old employee’s capability or expertise; employers feel secure while hiring somehow.
  • Interviewing boomerang employees saves employers time, and onboarding becomes more cost-effective.
  • Boomerang employees smoothly fit into the company culture as the culture is old for them.
  • Companies receive different viewpoint and diverse business prospects hiring old employees.
  • Rehiring old employees can lead to the development of solid employee-employer relationships, fostering loyalty and enhancing retention.
  • An old employee must be aware of the job’s duties and company expectations.


Cons of Boomerang Employees

  • If the management changes, the boomerang employees can’t be accustomed rightly to the new culture.
  • They may not be fitted rightly for the new position in the company.
  • Boomerang employees may bring hostility to the company.


What should ask to a Boomerang Employee during interview?

A boomerang employee’s interview is different from that of a new hire. Often, the company should ask for other queries and arrange an extended probation period to accurately notice their performance and purpose for joining.  Here are some questions that an organization could ask to boomerang employees.

  • What kind of expertise can you bring to our plate?
  • Why do you come back this time?
  • What type of skill did you enhance during the phase?
  • Where have you been since you left?
  • Are you ready to sign a bond with us?

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