Top 10 Reasons for Leaving a Job

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Top 10 Reasons for Leaving a Job
Reading Time: 7 minutes

The reasons why employees leave their jobs is a comprehensive topic of discussion, as there can be multiple reasons and causes for which an employee chooses to quit their job.


Discovering the reasons why employees leave their jobs is not enough unless you unmask the loopholes that provoke the employees to leave their jobs.


Employees leave their jobs for several reasons, such as low salaries, poor benefits, workplace discrimination, etc. Unleashing the actual reason for attrition is highly important for you to reach out to relevant solutions


In this blog, we will know the employees’ top 10 reasons for leaving a job, the ways to evaluate the company metrics to discover the loopholes, and how to solve and retain your employees.


Reasons for Leaving a Job

The top reasons for leaving a job from the companies include:


1. Toxic Work Culture

The most triggered reason for people to quit their jobs in companies is the toxic work culture. A toxic work culture signifies unhealthy work competition among employees, dirty work politics, and inappropriate managerial processes which are more likely to damage workplace harmony and peace.


This is the foremost among the top 10 reasons as it not only hampers the internal work culture of the organization but also maligns the company reputation.


Employees leave their jobs due to frustration, stress, and agitation prevailing in toxic work culture. The reasons employees leave their jobs due to toxicity are multiple and require strong managerial control for avoidance.


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2. Zero Career Progression

A lack of career advancements opportunities, demotivates the enthusiasm of employees, hence provoking them leaving their jobs.


This is one of the top reasons of employees to depart from the company in search for a new job. It is due to the lack of growth they expect.


Growth and career progressions include inhouse promotion, overseas opportunities, independent project handling, leadership opportunities and etc. Career advancements not only motivates employees to be more productive but also strengthen the employee connection with the company.


In contrast, no career growth becomes a reason of detachment from the company for the employees due to loss of a sense of belonging that usually occurs due to poor employee connection.


3. Job Insecurity

Job security is a major preference of candidates looking for a new job. People quit their jobs when they feel insecure about their prevailing position in a company.


Employees are more likely to leave their work due to uncertainty in their work and are more likely to look for a company who provides them job security.


Although in the corporate world job security is a speculation, yet providing minimal security as per industry standards is a mandate for established corporates.


4. Poor Management

A work environment is majorly dependent on its managerial processes, check-ins and management. This is too a significant reason why employees leave their jobs.


Poor management can have negative consequences on the employees provoking leaving their jobs as an option.


According to the surveys, most employees are prone to leave their work due to faulty managerial tactics and false commitments from the management at the time of hiring.


Poor management in a company can also result in increasing conflicts, unhealthy competition, dirty office politics, discrimination, non-inclusion of the diversified workforce, disturbed work-life balance and non-harmonious workplace.


5. Discrimination & Favoritism

Employees would definitely want to leave a company where discrimination, biases and favoritism exists. Biases can be in any form intentional or unconscious biases.


While intentional biases are directly toxic and lethal, unintentional or unconscious bias are ingrained stereotypes of people belonging to different background and beliefs and are toxic too. Favoritism is a result of biases that occurs due to dirty politics and discrimination. Both hampers the organizational health and triggers employees to quit their job.


6. Non-Equilibrated Work-life Balance

To work in an organization with no work-life balance is the most unpreferable factor for maximum candidates.


In the recent era of multifaceted work options, employees are looking for a job where the work-life balance is prioritized.


No work-life balance will not only hamper the personal life of employees but will also affect their productivity and can lead to frustrations from work hence triggering mental health issues.


7. False EVP Commitments

Inadequate compensation and benefits and false EVP commitments can lead to downgrade of employees morale due to betrayal.


In such cases, employees tend to be non-productive and are more involved in badmouthing against the company, gossiping, lacking enthusiasm to work, tricking tasks, etc.


It can not only malign company’s reputation but will also downgrade the best employees efficiency hence hampering the overall productivity of the company.


As a result of which employees will start departing and migrating in search of better and efficient organizations that sticks to EVP commitments.


8. Lack of Recognition & Rewards

Lack of adequate recognition and rewards can kill an employee morale to a larger extent and hampers their efficiency.


It can be a major factor that provokes employees to leave or quit their jobs and migrate to places where their work is being valued.


9. Competitor Tactics

Not every time the internal challenges forces an employee to quit job. Sometimes it is from external influences as well such as competitors tactics.


In the cut throat market competition, benchmarking and competitor analysis are significantly prevalent. From benchmarking and adequate research, it becomes convenient for your competitors to find out your prevailing strategies to retain employees and also the prevailing loop holes in your organization.


This becomes an advantage for them to attract your potential employees into theirs’s and stand out in the market.


For example- offering better packages to top professionals and expert employees of your organization, 2X benefits and compensation, offering senior positions, offering stakes and shares of the company to them and more.


10. Inadequate Training & Development

Inadequate or improper not only affects the ‘motivation to perform better’ of employees but also increases speculations on the tasks assigned and targets aimed.


This leads to improper tasks completion and nullifies the efficiency of potential employees as a result of which they choose to leave the company in frustration.


Alongside it also hampers the goodwill and productivity of the company in the market hence barring new candidates from getting associated with your company.


Ways to find out why people leave their Jobs?

It is pivotal for the management to evaluate the workforce’s ongoing activities and the operations of the company to find out the key reasons that provokes employees quit their jobs.


The key reasons might vary as per different companies according to the managerial capabilities, career opportunities, work culture, size of businesses, their geographical location, senior management, type of work etc. But the evaluation techniques remains the same irrespective of size or strength of businesses.


Below are a few ways that can help you investigate the reasons of employees leaving their jobs:


➔ Surveys

Conduct employee satisfaction surveys to find out if your employees are satisfied at their job or are not. You can also conduct surveys by preparing questionnaire that includes factors that are hampering your employees morale.


For example questions such as: Are you disinterested at your work?, Do you think you are underpaid?, Are you getting the right recognition at work?, a thing or things they want to change about the company’s culture?, etc.


Such questions will give you an insight into the prevailing thoughts, feeling and perceptions of employees on your company.


➔ Exit Interviews

Conduct exit interviews during the exit of prevailing employees to know what bothers them at work and is it possible to solve or not.


You can also motivate them to give a thought on exiting by providing them necessary solutions if possible.


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➔ Trend Analysis

Analyze the ongoing market trend to know or to have an idea on the running employee market trends and what are the key aspects that is attracting potential candidates to choose a company over other.


➔ Benchmarking

Benchmarking or competitor analysis is immensely essential if you want to grasp knowledge on the reasons are why employees are looking for a job change.


It can also help you gain insight into your competitors strategies to retain employees, according to which you can modify yours to robust your internal employee retention strategies.


➔ Feedback

Taking regular feedbacks from employees on the workflow, operations, work-life balance, job satisfaction and work environment, can be of great help to understand your workforce. It can also help you know if your employees want to give any suggestions regarding any alteration required at work or work environment.


➔ Managerial Check-ins

To make your managerial regulations powerful it is important to perform regular check-ins on the work environment. You can conduct the procedure by one-to-one interaction with employees to know about the challenges they are facing and providing them assistance that are possible to extend on your part.


How to Retain Employees?

Retaining employees is a long term process which is dependent on several factors such as salaries, benefits, compensations and a lot more.


Let us understand in details about the strategies that can help you retain your potential employees as well as attract the best candidates externally.


  • Provide attractive salary packages that would match or surpass the industry standards, but never below that as it demotivates potential employees to continue in your company. It also brings bad fame for your company in the market.
  • Have a strategical and strong employee value proposition (EVP), it can be a catalyst to attract potential employees to stay associated in your company.
  • Robust attendance management system for the employees attendance tracking and processing payroll with accuracy should be implemented for fastening the processing of payroll and providing equity pay as per accurate data.
  • One of the best strategy to retain employees is, acquiring regular feedback from your employees.
  • Address their job issues with appropriate solutions. This will enhance employee connection to work and perform better.
  • Enhance employee engagement techniques to make sure your employees stays, active and enthusiastic.
  • Support and assists in fostering corporate philanthropy, CSR activities and other social causes that are preferably chosen by your employees.
  • Implement a best HRMS software that will serve the company’s requirements in attendance tracking, timesheet management of employees.
  • Provide attractive compensation, perks, and benefits, and etc.


Wrap Up!

In conclusion, the decision of employees to leave their jobs is a multifaceted issue influenced by various factors. Yet the top reasons which are in control can be rectified to retain the best potential talents in the company.


It is evident that employees often depart due inadequate work-life balance, insufficient recognition and appreciation, limited or no career advancement opportunities, unsatisfactory job prepositions, unpleasant relationship with supervisors or colleagues, and, in some cases, false EVP commitment and poor work culture.


So, it is significant on the part of the management to keep up with the regular monitoring of the workforce functioning and initiate employee surveys as well as feedbacks to have a hold on the ongoing situation of the workplace and mend any loopholes that is a threat to the company’s workforce, workflow or reputation.


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