Indus Fire Safety ensured accurate on time Payroll with Pocket HRMS

Indus Fire Safety specializes in providing firefighting services to its clientele throughout India. Hence, they have employees in their client locations throughout the country, which requires them to have a 24/7 remote solution to mark employee attendance. With high-profile clients like ONGC, remote access to employee information is another major requirement for Indus Fire Safety.


Due to the limitations caused due to remote employee locations, collating attendance data every salary cycle used to be a hassle for their HR department. Since they have thousands of employees, they also required an effective training platform to help them stay updated with the latest in fire and safety. Additionally, they required a system that generates statutory reports quickly, while providing real-time insights into their employee data.


Download this case study to understand how Pocket HRMS ensured accurate on-time payroll with the help of Machine Learning, while also providing them with the flexibility and scalability of a completely cloud-based HRMS solution.

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