Payroll Software for IT Industries in India

Stay Ahead in the Industry with Payroll Software

IT (Information Technology) and ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services) industries are the fastest growing sectors in India today. These are the industries preferred by employees to work in. However, to stay ahead in volatile market conditions, it is important to embrace the new technology. Leaders understand the upcoming HR challenges and need to empower the HR management with the right technology to fulfil the changing needs.


As IT has always been a growing industry, the workforce and the responsibilities of HR management grow along with it. One of the most complicated and time-consuming, among these responsibilities is payroll. There are different components to the payroll calculation such as taxes, overtime, various benefits and legal compliance. All these components are governed by different policies which need to be followed closely to stay out of any legal trouble.


Compliance, working hours, leave management and attendance has to be done properly to do the accurate payroll. Pocket HRMS is AI-powered software that helps make payroll processing a cakewalk for the HR department. It automates the functions like time tracking, leaves management, compliance and attendance. That makes these processes paper-free, more efficient and accurate. Saving tons of productive hours for the HR management team.


Pocket HRMS also does remote payroll processing along with geo location tracking for the employees making remote workforce management possible with the highest efficiency. Our HRMS is a cloud-based system that provides much-needed data security and remote access needed by the IT industry today. This makes Pocket HRMS one of the best investments for payroll software especially for the IT industry in India.

Challenges Faced by the IT Industry

Benefits and tax calculations are complicated, and the mistakes or delays can be costly to the company with penalties and other legal actions.
Remote workforce management has to be managed well to provide much-needed flexibility to the workforce and to stop employee time theft.
The lack of a centralized database makes it difficult to access information like attendance which is essential for accurate payroll processing.
The HR team is constantly engaged in tiresome admin and HR paperwork which leaves them with less time at hand and risk of human errors.

Get A One-stop Solution For All Your HR Hurdles

How Pocket HRMS Can Help

Automated compliance management

Automated compliance management


Remote payroll management

Remote Attendance

Remote attendance management

Easy access to the centralized database

Easy access to the centralized database

Paper-free HR processes

Paper-free HR processes

Pocket HRMS removes the hurdles like payroll processing, time and attendance tracking with our cloud-based system. You can track the exact working hours and location of the employee correctly making overtime payment precise. The payroll software also enables HR managers to run the payroll from their mobile phones and laptops with a few clicks. This eliminates the need of being physically present at the office campus to do the payroll.


Pocket HRMS centralized database also makes it easy to access the data like attendance and leaves in the mobile phones for both HR management and the employees. The employees can also check their leave balance and apply for leaves from our ESS portal making it paperless. That gives employees accesses to mark their working hours and attendance. This also reduces the workload with the HR department.


When it comes to payroll transparency is as important as accuracy. When there is sufficient clarity for the employees regarding all the benefits and deductions as well as calculations of payroll it builds employee trust. The lack of transparency may lead to unnecessary disputes. Pocket HRMS gives employees an information-rich pay slip along with access to data like their working hours, attendance and leaves. We also provide our payroll software for manufacturing industry.


Creating smHRt Experiences

– Niranjana Neelakantan
HR Director, TESSOL

“We have been using Pocket HRMS for over a year and are very happy with our choice. Excellent service support.”

-Nishant Mahajan
Manager HR, EvolveBack

“The support team is highly admirable. Their professional and polite approach to our queries is simply excellent.”

– Sonal Gangwani
HR Manager, Ignatiuz Software

“Data monitoring and HR analytics are made easy by Pocket HRMS which is the future of the HR industry”

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