What is the Meaning of HR

What is HR?

Human resource management or HR is a department in a company comprising human resources (HR)professionals who are responsible for managing the workforce of the organization. Irrespective of the company size, or a business turnover, the human resources department is imperative and essential for managing the employment lifecycle of employees starting from recruitment to the exit formalities.


There are multiple roles of a human resources (HR) management that the HR department is accountable for, such as:

  • Scheduling Interviews
  • Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Documentation of Employees
  • Induction or orientation of Employees
  • Payroll Processing
  • Implementing the appropriate payroll software
  • managing compensation and benefits
  • Employee Engagement
  • Enhancing employee relations
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Training and Development
  • Offboarding
  • Compliance and more.


Now that we have an insight into what is human resources (HR) management, let us understand in detail the human resources department by segregating it as per their work operations.

What are the Types of HR Jobs (Human Resources Professionals) Prevailing in the Market?

Human resource management is a vast concept that is focused on managing the workforce of an organization. It is the force behind the smooth functioning of an organization’s workflow despite having a diversified pool of employees belonging to varied cultural, educational, social, and economic backgrounds.


To manage the diversity of employees, the job types of HR (human resources department) have been segregated. As a layman, the term HR is the human resources (HR) management responsible for managing the employees in an organization clings to our ideas, whereas, in real, it is much more than that.


The entire employment cycle of an employee in an organization is managed by an HR department. In fact, HR is the backbone of a company that not only manages the employees and benefits of them but also maintains the goodwill of an organization’s reputation through employee retention, enhancing work culture, and maintaining cohesive relations with both the internal and external audiences of the company.


Let us understand in detail what are the types of roles associated with the job of an HR professional or an HR department.


1. Recruiters

The human resources department has recruiters who are responsible for various activities such as:

  • Resume parsing
  • Shortlisting candidates
  • Telecalling the selected candidates to fix the interview schedule. They are the first to converse with candidates and gather basic information from them such as work experience, current work status, etc.
  • Finding and attracting talents to fill vacancies in the organization.
  • Abridge the gap between the candidates and senior management by scheduling job interviews and meet-ups at the convenience of the human resources managers, directors, candidates, etc.


Recruiters are the company’s representatives who are the first to interact with the candidates so they are the ones who behold, highlight, and present the company’s tradition, foundation, and culture to the external public (Candidates).


2. HR Admin

The role of HR Administration is to maintain the records of the employees such as the employee’s data that is required to be submitted during induction. Some of the records include employees’ CVs, copies of educational and experience certificates, employees’ history, performance evaluation sheets, benefits and compensation enrollment, and more.


HR administrators also assist with posting job openings, conducting background checks of employees, etc. as well, and they are well-versed in assisting HR managers in arranging employee engagement programs, implementation of HRMS software, and more.


3. HR Generalists

HR generalists are accountable for investigating the employees’ grievances and checking whether the laid standards and policies of the company are adhered to or are deviated. They are the ones who are responsible for the compliance of rules by the employees and the management.


The HR generalist in the HR departments also fosters a positive work environment and ensures job satisfaction and organizational success.


4. Training & Development Specialist

Development and training are imperative processes in a company that are conducted regularly to survive and sustain in the fast-evolving market trends. The development and training specialists are the HR professionals who are concerned with setting up adequate training sessions for the employees in accordance with their requirements and work environment necessities.


For example-In case of mergers, or induction of new products in the company’s mainstream, or in case a new employee joins the company, then the training and development specialists strategize the right time and schedule to provide the best training to the employees to avoid complexities and confusions regarding the product, policies or compliance.


Similarly, in case the employees’ KRA does not align with their performance when KPI is evaluated, then the training and development specialists are required to address their concerns, know the underlying challenges, and arrange training sessions that can help them combat the difficulties.


They’re also required to keep the budget for training and development under check so it would not burden the organization’s finances.


5. HR Consultants

HR consultants are professionals whose job role is to provide human resource management advice to the company but on a contract basis. These are mostly freelanced and benefit the organization in managing the workforce efficiently. They offer specialized skills and knowledge to assist clients in facing their HR challenges effectively.


6. HR Analysts

The HR Analysts in the HR departments are responsible for analyzing the latest HR trends, workforce needs, and HR market dynamics to make data-driven decisions and give suggestions regarding hiring, salary structuring, hiring freeze, and more. Their ultimate aim is to improve the organization’s HR processes so it can manage its workforce efficiently.


7. Public Relations Specialists

The public relations specialists are the HR personnel who are accountable for maintaining a strong connection with both the internal (employees, management, superiors) and external public (stakeholders, clients, union leaders, etc.) as well as maintaining the goodwill of the organization. They also strategize plans to improve the company’s image at times of propaganda or controversies denouncing the company’s image.


8. Employee Relations Specialists

Employee relations specialists are dedicatedly responsible for enhancing employee connection with the organization. They maintain cohesive relationships with the employees in an organization so they can come forward with their issues and concerns. They mostly sort the grievances on their level but if it surpasses their authority, they forward the same to higher management.


Furthermore, they abridge the gap between employees and management and make the employees feel heard as well as induce inclusion and a sense of belongingness in their cognitive senses.


9. HR Managers

The HR managers in the HR department oversee all the HR functions in an organization’s protocol and ensure the smooth functioning of the same.


The HR managers are the head of the HR department who provides leadership and guidance to all the HR professionals as well as possess the authority of decision-making and being directly associated with the top management. They also decide on the leave provisions, holiday calendar of the organizations, compensation and benefits planning, payroll processing, HRMS software selection, implementation, and more.


10. Payroll, Compensation, and Benefits Strategists

The payroll, compensation, and benefits strategists are professionals who have specialized skills to create a composition or frame structures associated with the payroll, compensation, and benefits of employees.


The payroll varies so as the compensation and benefits for different employees, the strategists make sure that the percentage calculations are related to and align with the company’s policies as it need to adhere to the budget as well.

Why are Human Resources (HR) Departments Essential for an Organization?

The importance of human resources management, or the HR department in the organization is substantial and pivotal. It is essential for:

  • Managing employee’s work lifecycle
  • Performance evaluation of employees
  • Employee engagement
  • Surging employee retention
  • Keeping the performances and conduct of employees in scrutiny
  • Assisting employees in adapting to new alterations
  • Documentation of workforce
  • Hiring the best talents into the organization
  • Processing payroll
  • Abridging the gap between higher management and employees
  • Addressing the grievances of employees and easing them with efficient solutions
  • Compliance management and more.


The essentiality of HR in an organization is myriad and their roles are multifaceted. Businesses leverage their HR department not only to manage their workforce but also for the smooth function of workflow as well as to retain valuable top talents in the organization.

End Note

Throughout the blog we have discussed what is human resources, what are the types of HR jobs, what is the essentiality of HR professionals in a company and what are the work associated with the human resource department.


Overall, HR (Human resource management) is a wider concept and an indispensable function within an organization’s realm which is required to streamline the workflow of its workforce. In a company with diversified employees, the HR department plays a vital role in not only managing the processes and work structure of employees but also easing the complex finance structures of human resources associated with employees’ benefits and compensation.


Moreover, in today’s dynamic and competitive market scenarios as organizations recognize the organic importance of human capital management, human resource management shall always top the list in shaping the organizational structure and driving innovation toward the growth of a business.


The duties of human resources in the organization are substantial and hold greater significance for the workforce (a group of people, the employees) benefits as well as for a business as a whole.


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