
What is Apprentice?

An ‘Apprentice’ is a trainee who works with regular employees of a company to learn their job and its responsibilities for a limited period. They are usually paid a lower wage than a full-time worker. The apprenticeship could be either full-time or part-time.


A common misconception regarding apprentices is that it has to be a young college-goer. However, anybody can be an apprentice irrespective of his or her age, seniority and profession.


Being an apprentice requires dedication and hard work as an apprentice has to learn the job while doing it. Most apprentices spend 20% of their working time learning the job. However, the reward compensates for the hard work put in as the trainee gets relevant work experience, consistent practical learning, and the opportunity to handle the tools of the trade first hand.


FAQs on Apprentice


1. Is Apprenticeship a good job?

Apprenticeships are very good for beginners since it provides them with excellent opportunities for connecting with industry experts and gathering real-world experience in their chosen field.


2. Does Apprentice mean beginner?

Apprenticeships are usually undertaken by beginners as they help them learn their work. Hence, an apprentice can be anyone new to a specific field, and not necessarily a fresh graduate or a young individual.


3. What stage is after Apprentice?

Depending on the organization, there can be multiple options for the apprentice after their apprenticeship, such as:

➔ Becoming a full-time employee

➔ Continuing with higher education

➔ Moving to a different position

➔ Becoming an entrepreneur in their field


4. Which is better Apprenticeship or Internship?

Generally, an apprenticeship provides you with in-depth hands-on experience in a specific field, while an internship will provide you with an overview of multiple factors related to a business. Hence, the answer depends on what the employee’s goals are.

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