Human Capital Management Software-as-a-Service (HCM SaaS)

What is Human Capital Management Software-as-a-Service (HCM SaaS) ?

‘Human Capital Management Software-as-a-Service’ is a software that helps the HR department in efficiently undertaking the functions related to human capital management. As this software is usually delivered via the ‘SaaS’ model, this software is termed as ‘Human Capital Management Software-as-a-Service’.
Companies implement HCM SaaS, as it helps the organization save money and time spent in managing the employees and answering their queries. This kind of software will be able to help the HR department in tackling all of the different HR-related issues and concerns.
Common functionalities provided by the HCM SaaS include recruitment, applicant tracking, onboarding, employee management, leave & attendance management, payroll processing, etc.

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