Minimum Wages in Delhi

Explore Delhi Minimum Wage Rates for 2024

The Government of Delhi recently revised the minimum wage rate for Delhi workers. It has been effective from 1st April 2023. The revised minimum wages rate is applicable between skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers. Along with this, the rate is also effective on the clerical and supervisory staff in different education categories.

What does the new order of Minimum Wages in Delhi include?

All India consumer price Index Number of the period from January to June 2023 which is 385.96, an increase of 7.38 points. Hereby the dearness allowances are declared have been effected by 1 oct 2023.

Employment Category Basic Amount Per Month VDA Per Month Total Amount Per Month Total Amount Per Day
Unskilled ₹ 17,234 ₹ 260 ₹ 17,494 ₹ 673
Skilled ₹ 18,993 ₹ 286 ₹ 19,279 ₹ 742
Semi Skilled ₹ 20,903 ₹ 312 ₹ 21,215 ₹ 816
Clerical and Supervisory Staff (Non-Matriculate) ₹ 18,993 ₹ 286 ₹ 19,279 ₹ 742
Clerical and Supervisory Staff (Matriculate but not Graduate) ₹ 20,903 ₹ 312 ₹ 21,215 ₹ 816
Clerical and Supervisory Staff (Graduate and above) ₹ 22,744 ₹ 338 ₹ 23,082 ₹ 888

Salary Structure For Minimum Wage Workers in Delhi

If you are an employers, and thinking of establish a wage structure for the company workers, Lets go through the list and and tailor the compensation plans for the unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, and highly skilled workers.

Component Formula Description
Basic+ DA CTC*50% or Minimum wages *12 The sum of Basic and Dearness allowance is 50% of cost to company or The sume of Basic and Dearness Allowance is 12 times of Minimum wages.
HRA Basic*50% House rent Allowance is 50 % of Basic Salary
LTA Basic * 5 % Gross Salary is 5% of Basic Salary
Gross Salary Gross Salary Sum of Basic + DA + HRA + LTA + SP Gross Salary is the sum of Basic, DA, HRA, LTA, SP
Special Allowances Gross Salary – Allowance Special Allowance is subtraction of a Allowance from Gross Salary
Monthly Bonus 8.35% of Basic Monthly Bonus is 8.35% of Basic Salary
PF(Employee) 12% of Baisic Provident Fund (Employee) is 12% of Basic Salary
PF(Employer) 12% of Baisc Salary Provident Fund (Employer) is 12% of Basic Salary
ESI( Employee) 0.75% of gross salary Employees’ State Insurance( Employee) is 0.75% of Gross Salary
ESI( Employer) 3.25 % of Gross Salary Employees’ State Insurance( Employer) is 3.25% of Gross Salary

In conclusion, the minimum wages in Delhi is divided between the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled individuals. The rate has been effective from October 1, 2023.  The basic amount of skilled workers is increased by ₹312, for the semi-skilled, it was ₹286, whereas for the unskilled it was an hike of ₹260.



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