Minimum Wages in West Bengal

Explore West Bengal Minimum Wage Rates for 2024

The West Bengal has recently revised the minimum wages for their workers. The act came into effect on 1st January 2024. It is distributed within 16 following sectors accordingly. The revised rates apply to all Scheduled Employments of the following sectors in West Bengal. These are Agriculture, Bidi leaf Plucking, Cold Storage, Cinchona Plantation, Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants, Auditors, Meat Products and Feed Plants, Fishery, Forestry or Timbering Operations, Fishing Activities including River and Deep-Sea Fishing, Handlooms, Lac Manufactories, Medicinal Plantations, Rice Mills, Sericulture, Salt Manufacturing Industry, Tobacco Godown, and more.

Minimum Wages for West Bengal in 2024

Class of Employment Zone Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled Zone A 376 9784
Unskilled Zone B 343 8930
Semi-Skilled Zone A 414 10763
Semi-Skilled Zone B 378 9821
Skilled Zone A 455 11840
Skilled Zone B 416 10804
Highly Skilled Zone A 501 13023
Highly Skilled Zone B 457 11886
Unskilled – Security Service Zone A 376 9781
Unskilled – Security Service Zone B 343 8928
Semi-Skilled – Security Service Zone A 414 10759
Semi-Skilled – Security Service Zone B 378 9820
Skilled – Security Service Zone A 455 11836
Skilled – Security Service Zone B 415 10802

What does the new order of West Bengal Minimum Wages include?

If you are an employers, and thinking of establishment a wage structure for the company workers, Lets go through the list and and tailor the compensation plans for the workers of all categories.

Component Formula Description
Basic+ DA Basic + Dearness Allowance is CTC *50% or Minimum Wages *12 The sum of Basic and Dearness allowance is 50% of cost to company or The sum of Basic and Dearness Allowance is 12 times of Minimum Wages
HRA HRA is the 50% of Basic Salary House rent Allowance is 50 % of Basic Salary
LTA Basic*5 % Gross Salary is 5% of Basic Salary
Gross Salary Gross Salary Sum of Basic + DA + HRA + LTA + SP Gross Salary is the sum of Basic, DA, HRA, LTA, SP
Special Allowances Gross Salary – Allowance Special Allowance is substraction of a Allowance from Gross Salary
Monthly Bonus 8.35% of Basic Monthly Bonus is 8.35% of Basic Salary
PF(Employee) 12% of Baisic Provident Fund (Employee) is 12% of Basic Salary
PF(Employer) 12% of Baisc Salary Provident Fund (Employer) is 12% of Basic Salary
ESI (Employee) 0.75% of Gross Salary Employees’ State Insurance (Employee) is 0.75% of Gross Salary
ESI (Employer) 3.25% of Gross Salary Employees’ State Insurance (Employer) is 3.25% of Gross Salary

“In conclusion, as per the Indian Constitution, Minimum Wages represent a wage higher than the presently being given in many industries and ensure a sustainable lifestyle for workers. The minimum wages in West Bengal are distributed between skilled, unskilled, semi-unskilled, highly skilled and clerical workers. The rate has been effective from 1 Jan 2024. The purpose of revising the Minimum Wages is to support the base level of employment and ensure viable continuous improvement from unskilled to skilled workers.

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