Job Offer Letter Template – Download For Free

Issuing offer letters is a common task for any HR. Download this template to issue it quickly as and when required.


The job offer letter is a crucial document in an employee’s recruitment as it is the formal proof of the fact that they have been appointed as an employee in an organization. It contains all the information required by the employee to understand their employment terms and conditions.


Along with the employment terms and conditions, it also contains the following information:


  • Joining date
  • Job timing
  • Employee designation
  • Job description
  • Salary information
  • Additional perks & benefits 
  • Leaves & holidays
  • Onboarding instructions


Apart from the details mentioned above, the company might add any other information which they wish to convey to the newly recruited employee.


As the job offer letter is legal proof of employment, you must run down your final letter format with your legal team to ensure that there is no clause or word which might lead to a lawsuit in future. One should also take care not to make any promises in the offer letter as well as make it clear that the employment is ‘at will’ in the absence of a bond.

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